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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Basement Waterproofing

General Questions

How much does basement waterproofing cost?

There are so many variables that go into the cost of waterproofing a basement, such as whether it’s waterproofed from the interior or exterior, the size of the foundation, if it is currently a finished space, how old it is & what kind of shape it’s in, and finally how it was built. Without knowing all these variables, it’s impossible to calculate the cost to waterproof a basement.

Why do you have a wet basement?

Most likely, it’s because when the foundation was originally constructed, it was never properly waterproofed underground & all around the perimeter before it was backfilled. The building codes have gotten better over time to help with that, but still fall short of what’s really needed.

How long will my job take?

That depends on what work is being done, but most jobs fall between 1-3 days, while larger jobs can sometimes take a couple of weeks.

Where is the water coming from?

It’s coming from rainwater, snowmelt, & water runoff from higher elevations. All this groundwater accumulation builds up in and around our foundations, eventually finding its way inside.

Do you specialize in basement waterproofing?

Yes, this is our main focus of expertise. Our systems have proven themselves over many years at keeping basements dry, with tons of satisfied customers throughout NJ.

Do you offer a warranty?

Yes, all work is backed by an industry-leading lifetime warranty that protects your investment.

Can I waterproof the basement myself?

To waterproof a basement, someone would need a lot of manpower, foundation knowledge, materials, proper equipment, & machinery. It is highly unlikely that anyone could or should attempt to waterproof a basement unless they are a professional. Furthermore, attempting this can compromise the structural integrity of the foundation unless you are an expert in this field.

Are you licensed and insured?

Yes, we are fully licensed, insured, & bonded in the state of NJ.

Basement Waterproofing Process & Solutions

What is a sump pump?

A sump pump is a mechanical device usually placed in a pit that will pump water to another location through a discharge pipe when the float lever is triggered. There are many different styles, sizes, & horsepower ratings of pumps on the market today. We size & spec out all our pumps to work best & most efficiently with all our jobs.

Why do basements leak?

Simply because the foundation was never properly waterproofed when it was first built. Over time, the foundation takes on many different pressures from water (hydrostatic), soils (expansion & contraction of clay), & constant movement & shifting underground. Also, concrete will start to weaken & deteriorate over time when underground & exposed to all the elements.

Is basement waterproofing intrusive?

It can be if the company and crew are not properly trained to perform this work. Our systems & how we perform them are the least intrusive compared to any others. We pay special attention to keeping the work environment as clean as possible & leave no mess behind.

Why should I fix my basement?

It can add valuable living or storage space to any home. Not to mention, it will protect the structural integrity of the foundation. It also creates a healthy living space for all occupants.

Can you provide references?

Yes, we have many satisfied customers throughout the state of NJ who can share their positive experiences about us performing this work at their homes.

Pricing & Investment

What is your price estimate?

Our initial assessment & estimate for your project is FREE. We provide our customers with a detailed proposal for the necessary work to correct their issues, including all pricing.

Why should I invest in waterproofing?

It will add tremendous market value to your home & protect your most important investment. As well as creating a healthy living environment for all occupants. Water & moisture cause mold to grow & spread inside a home, which is why waterproofing as soon as possible is so important.

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Eco-Dry Waterproofing covers all of Northern NJ including Sussex, Morris, Warren, Passaic, Essex, Union and Bergen Counties. We backup our work with a Lifetime Dry Basement Guarantee. Financing Available (0% Financing Option. Pre-approval in 60 seconds).
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